Time to Get-In on the Fun!

Here are some of the ways that you can sponsor, partner, or showcase items and services at our experiences.

  • Financial Dream Builder Sponsorship Package

         Title Sponsor

  • Resources to Reality Sponsorship Package

Co-Title Sponsor

  • Financial Literacy In-Kind Contributor  

To learn more about Resources to Success “Sip n Learn” Financial Mixer Sponsorship opportunities, please send your request to [email protected] or call 248-388-5506 today! 

What to become a media partner? 

Resources to Success “Sip n Learn” is honored, you have chosen to help get the word out about the new way to educate and entertain financial mixers. CocoXPR is our public relations partner who has built relationships with notable media outlets and they are ready to include you in on-the-fun! Please submit your request by completing the submission form below.

Our Purveyors will be provided a space to promote their business, meet new people and leverage their brand to people who have the buying power to increase their revenue. To learn how you can become a purveyor at the next Resources to Success “Sip n Learn” Financial Mixer, please send your request to [email protected]